The Electrical Pre-Apprenticeship Program is offered in partnership with St. Clair College and Unifor Local 444. This program provides the participants with the necessary foundational and technical skills along with wrap-around supports needed to gain sustainable employment in the skilled trades sector.

This program will also provide employers and journey persons with Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) training to help create and implement retention strategies for women’s inclusivity in the skilled trades.
We hope to ensure representation of our community including racialized and newcomer women, indigenous women, women from LGBTQ2 community, women disproportionately impacted by COVID-19, and women with prolonged detachment for the labour force.

Activities will include:
- Trades-Exploration Workshop: Women in the Skilled Trades Awareness Workshop will be delivered in partnership with Unifor Local 444.
- In-Class Training for Participants: 18-weeks of Pre-apprenticeship Electrical in-school curriculum-St. Clair College.
- Math Prep for the Trades: Referral to Literacy and Basic Skills for math refresher classes.
- Employability and Workplace Preparation: Employability to help attain necessary skills for integration into workforce.
- Mental Health Workshops: To help with stress management and mindfulness techniques to be offered in partnership with Family-Services Windsor-Essex.
- Work Placements: A paid work placement to help the participants practice the skills they have learned during the in-class training.
- Wrap Around Support: Wrap around supports to help offset the cost of daycare fees, transportation costs, health care supports and food etc.
- Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Training for Employers/Journeypersons-in partnership with Canadian Coalition of Women in Engineering, Science, Trades and Technology (CCWESTT).

This Employment Ontario program is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.