Our campaign is using digital photography as an art form to capture those economic shifts that happened for women in the newcomer, racialized communities, transgender people because of the actions they take, resources and services, and allies that help make a difference by advocating for and with them.
The stories that follow help to tell more of the story including the shifts in resources, support and attitudes which made it possible for economically powerful changes to occur. Powerful shifts that help remove gender barriers can and do happen. We hope these stories inspire you to support a more gender equal world!
Get a conversation going about Gender Equality using this series. Feel free to use our discussion guide!
Welcome back to our new normal. The global pandemic has not stopped us on our focus on creating a more gender equal world. We hope you will enjoy our refreshed and safe approaches to sharing success stories through Zoom Interviews and Podcasts with a diverse team of fresh faces from our WEST team!


First Person Stories
Look for more of our Economic Power Shifting Stories about Gender Equality in the days to come, and be sure to read, share and submit your own first person stories using the form below!
Share Your Story
Submit your own first person stories by filling out the form below.
Thank You to Our Sponsors
This project is supported by the Pilot Fund for Gender Equality, a collaboration between Community Foundations of Canada and the Equality Fund, with support from the Government of Canada. We thank the Windsor Essex Community Foundation for this opportunity.
We thank the Windsor Essex Community for this opportunity and the participants featured, our staff and board for their unwavering support of efforts to improve Gender Equality. We also thank the Canadian Woman’s Foundation and the Gender Equality Network for amplifying our message across our nation and world.