WEST serves some of Canada’s most vulnerable and unemployed populations: newcomer women, women from racialized communities and their children in the community. With the onset of COVID-19, the urgent need we are facing is finding innovative and enhanced ways to serve the community.
This grant will:
Give WEST the opportunity to equip staff members with new software technology and resources to meet the interactive and educational needs of our students.
Allow WEST to find innovative solutions to connect participants to learning.
Allow WEST to improve and enhance webpage social media outreach to improve and ensure we are virtually welcoming newcomers to our city to our program, registering and tracking the demographics and interactions.
Allow WEST to improve communication at deeper level with our stakeholders and clients to conduct training needs analysis and identify root cause issues that have occurred with advent of the pandemic.

The Maximizing Connections and Opportunities through Technology program at Women’s Enterprise Skills Training of Windsor Inc. is supported by the Government of Canada’s Emergency Community Support Fund and WindsorEssex Community Foundation.

For more information, please contact WEST at 519-256-6621.