The SEAT Program, funded by the Federal Government, aims to empower young women to think of careers in STEM/STEAM. This program will give young women between the ages of 15-30 years old the opportunity to work together on a STEAM related community-based project that will focus on creating positive change for our community and also earn volunteer hours.
Through the SEAT program you will:
- Meet New People
- Develop Leadership Skills
- Learn About Robotics
- Complete a Group Project
- Connect with Mentors in STEAM Fields
- Create a Resume and Build Employability Skills
- Earn Community Service Hours (120hrs)
- Go on Industry Tours
- Attend the Social Impact Exhibit

Program Eligibility

- Female youth aged 15 to 30 years old
- Canadian Citizen, Permanent Resident, or Refugee Status
- Have a General Interest in Science, Engineering, Art and/or Technology

How to Register
To register please contact Seita Sadoo-Thomas, Program Coordinator by email at seita@westofwindsor.com or by phone at 226-773-5063 or 519-256-6621 ext 290.
SEAT Funding
The Science, Engineering, Artistry and Technology (SEAT) program is funded by the Govermment of Canada under the Canada Service Corps.
*Please note due to COVID-19 this program is currently being offered virtually in the summer and fall please contact WEST for more details.