WEST recognizes that many of our clients may be very vulnerable during this time, and additional supports are essential to help them navigate online systems, stay informed on COVID-19 and available resources on an ongoing basis. As an organization that services primarily women, we recognize the specialized needs and challenges that many women are facing in our community and the vital role we play in supporting them.
This funding will provide additional support to meet the needs of vulnerable newcomers and provide support to complete a customized database, streamlining documentation and efficiency in meeting needs of clients served by WEST.
With the approval of funding, additional staff, we will be able to enhance and be more effective with our one-on-one support to women, youth, newcomers and their families. Additionally, by completing our database and training our staff in its use, we will be essentially expand our capacity and be ready to provide increased accuracy in reporting, increase efficiency, reduce paperwork and duplicate entries, and share best practices with other community groups.
The project will support WEST to continue to meet community service needs even post the pandemic, will help us to educate, motivate and move our clients forward towards their goals.
The Supporting Increased Needs Among Vulnerable Populations Resulting From the Pandemic at Women’s Enterprise Skills Training of Windsor Inc. is supported by the Government of Canada’s Emergency Community Support Fund and WindsorEssex Community Foundation.

For more information, please contact WEST at 519-256-6621.